Monday, February 11, 2008

my grandma noatia

i loved my grandma through my whole life. she was number
1 in my heart. she had to go to the hospital for a long time.
my grandma had to go to the hospital for kimo. she was very
sick. she went through alot of hard work in the hospital.
i had spent the whole month with her in hawaii and learned
alot from her. she taught me to always go to church and
read the scriptues. i will always treasure those things that i did
with my grandma.

1 comment:

Vagivagi said...

Hi, Temple

That was such a beautiful tribute for Grandma.

I'm so glad that you're keeping up with your blog.

I've been thinking of you. I'm wishing the best in every endeavor you pursue.

love ya,

Aunty Vagi